Root Canals Specialist

K.B. Family Dental
Kainaz Byramjee, DDS, MS
Dentist located in Renton, WA
In as few as two relatively pain-free appointments, root canals remove bacteria and dying or dead tissue from inside your tooth. To repair and save a damaged, decaying, or severely infected tooth with the latest technology, call or make an appointment online today for a root canal with Dr. Kainaz Byramjee at K.B. Family Dental in Renton, Washington.
Root Canals Q & A
What are root canals?
A root canal is a straightforward endodontic treatment that relieves dental pain and saves your teeth. Root canals become necessary when the soft tissue inside the roots of your teeth becomes inflamed or infected due to:
- Deep decay
- Repeated dental procedures
- Injury with or without visible chips or cracks
If left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.
How are root canals performed?
Before explaining the procedure, it's critical that you understand the anatomy of your tooth.
Inside your teeth and under the white enamel is a hard layer called dentin. Under your dentin is soft tissue called pulp. Pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. It creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during development.
The pulp extends from the crown of your teeth to the tip of the roots. At that point, it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. While pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development, it’s unnecessary once the tooth is mature. That’s because the tissues surrounding the tooth nourishes it.
During a root canal procedure, Dr. Byramjee uses gentle techniques to remove the pulp inside your tooth. She then cleans, disinfects, and shapes the root canals before placing a filling to seal the space. This process takes five steps:
- X-ray: To confirm a root canal is necessary
- Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is injected around the affected tooth
- Pulpectomy: An opening is made, and your diseased tooth pulp is removed
- Filling: Once cleaned and dried, the opening in your tooth is temporarily filled
- Permanent crown: Is placed on the top of the tooth a few weeks later
How do you prevent the need for root canals?
While there’s no foolproof way to avoid the need for a root canal, it’s best to adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day. That reduces plaque and tartar buildup and gingivitis, all of which are precursors to root canals.
Also be sure to visit Dr. Byramjee regularly for a higher level of personal care than you’d find at other dental practices.
Whether you think you need a root canal or are trying to prevent the need for one, call or make an appointment online today for a root canal with Dr. Byramjee at K.B. Family Dental in Renton, Washington.